Galerie XII, founded by Valerie-Anne Giscard d’Estaing in 2007 in Paris focuses on contemporary photography.
The editorial line of the gallery centers on narrative photography and strives to promote artists with a strong narrative sensibility, working on new forms of the media with a multidisciplinary approach especially at the borders with painting, sculpture and collages, in recognition of the evolution of contemporary photography reflecting the role of the digital age in increasingly blurring the distinction between photography and other visual arts.

Galerie XII Los Angeles opened in 2018 and is located at Bergamot Arts Center, Santa Monica. Since its opening, the gallery has received critical acclaim and consistently showcases four to five solo exhibitions a year in each location, as well as group shows. It participates to several Art Fairs such as Photo Basel, Photo London, Art Paris, Moderne Art Fair, AIPAD, etc.

SInce its inception, the gallery has been representing such acclaimed international photographers/artists from Mona Kuhn to Paolo Ventura, Margaret Lansink to Anja Niemi, Benno Graziani, Patrizia Mussa, Jean-Marie Périer among many others.


Bergamot Station Arts Center
2525 Michigan Ave Suite B2, Santa Monica, CA 90404


Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 5:00pm


(424) 252 9004